ESG and Strategic Sustainability

At the heart of sustainability is balancing growth with environmental stewardship and social welfare to deliver long-term value to stakeholders.
sustainable modern buildings
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) represents a framework to identify, evaluate and manage non-financial issues relevant to both an organisation and its stakeholders.
ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) represents a framework to identify, evaluate and manage non-financial issues relevant to both an organisation and its stakeholders.

In a recent survey of infrastructure investors in the UK, 92% identified ESG performance as instrumental for a clear long-term value creation strategy.

wind turbines in a wind farm
  • Environmentally it looks at impacts on the planet such as energy and water use, waste discharges and resources needed as well as development of sustainable products and services.
  • Socially it drives awareness of, and improvement of workforce inclusivity and wellbeing, human rights and social equity, as well as relationships with local communities and stakeholders throughout the value chain.
  • Governance considers the policies, decision-making rules, organisational structure, and systems of practice that guide how an organization operates in a transparent and inclusive manner.

To deliver on ambitious sustainability goals, it is important to establish the basics. Steps include:

  • Program visioning and governance
  • Stakeholder engagement
  • Materiality assessment
  • Establishing strategic goals and programmatic focus areas for an ESG program.

Positioned at the intersection of strategic planning, investment, enterprise and asset level advisory as well as implementation, we offer a blend of technical, digital and management consulting - designed to help you achieve ESG-driven performance improvements and long term sustainable and resilient outcomes.

Driving sustainable and resilient outcomes

Markets, communities, employees and governments increasingly expect businesses – and the investors that allocate capital – to operate in a social, environmental and ethical way. This convergence of stakeholder influence is driving businesses to challenge operating models, creating opportunities to maximize long term value for stakeholders.

GHD ESG & Strategic Sustainability key areas infographic

Supporting your sustainability journey

Increasingly, ESG is redefining the value and risk exposure of an organisation. We have the knowledge, skills and resources to enable your sustainability journey, from ideation to implementation, to create purpose-driven resilient operations that drive:

  • Reliability and operational cost reduction
  • Engineering innovation
  • ESG rating improvement
  • Achievement of your sustainability goals
  • Enhanced corporate brand
  • Improved employee satisfaction and customer loyalty.
