Securing Cairns' water future

GHD is proud to be the design partner for Cairns Regional Council's Cairns Water Security Stage 1 Project with John Holland and WTA. The project is the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken by Cairns Regional Council and is key to water security for the region.

GHD is proud to be the design partner for Cairns Regional Council's Cairns Water Security Stage 1 Project with John Holland and Water Treatment Australia (WTA).

The project is the largest infrastructure project ever undertaken by Cairns Regional Council and is key to water security for the region, which could face a potential drinking water shortage by 2026 without additional supply.

The population of Cairns has more than tripled since the region’s main water supply, Copperlode Falls Dam, was built in 1976 with the population expected to grow by a further 62,000 people by 2046.

"With 75 years in Cairns, we have extensive knowledge and experience responding to challenges unique to water supply in tropical north Queensland. Our team have worked closely with the Cairns Regional Council since designing the sewerage infrastructure in the 1950s and since then have been the leading water infrastructure consultant in Cairns," says Travers Boland, GHD's Water Market Leader - Northern Australia.

"We look forward to continuing our long-standing relationship with Cairns Regional Council, together with our partners John Holland and WTA to deliver this vital project for the Cairns community."

Our focus has always been on designing and delivering resilient infrastructure for the Cairns community, that is suited to the extreme weather events and climate that the region experiences."
Travers Boland, Water Market Leader - Northern Australia, GHD

"GHD has an established local presence with our Cairns office celebrating its 75th anniversary in 2023 and a long and productive relationship with Council. We will draw on our deep local knowledge, business and industry connections, and international expertise for the project."

"We’re really pleased to locally deliver the design for such an iconic project for the community of Cairns."

Find out more about how we’re working with our clients to deliver a secure water future for generations.

Acerca de GHD

GHD es una empresa líder de servicios profesionales que opera en los mercados mundiales de agua, energía y recursos, medio ambiente, infraestructura y edificaciones, y transporte. Comprometidos con la visión de lograr que el agua, la energía y las comunidades sean sostenibles para las futuras generaciones, GHD ofrece soluciones en asesoría, servicios digitales, de ingeniería, arquitectura, medio ambiente y para la construcción a clientes del sector público y privado. Fundada en 1928 y propiedad de sus trabajadores, GHD cuenta con una red de más de 11.000 profesionales conectados en más de 160 oficinas en cinco continentes.