Integrity management

GHD is committed to ethical business behaviour. This includes internal conduct as well as our engagement with clients and the community.
GHD Integrity management
GHD is committed to ethical business behaviour. This includes internal conduct as well as our engagement with clients and the community.

We have an established Integrity Management System, at its core sits an GHD's Integrity Policy. The pivotal element of our approach to integrity is a zero tolerance towards unethical or unacceptable business conduct.

We expect the same commitment to ethical business behaviour from our business partners, and clients. Our commitment to ethical business behaviour means that:

  • Compliance with the law is fundamental, even in the face of contrary accepted local business practices or customs.
  • We compete fairly for our commissions based on quality, price and innovative services, not by offering improper benefits to others. No GHD representative may directly or indirectly offer, promise, grant or authorise the giving of money or anything else of value to client and government officials to influence official action or obtain improper advantage.  Facilitation fees are not acceptable.
  • All charitable donations must be transparent and clearly documented including the recipient's identity and confirmation that it was used for the intended purpose. We do not make direct political contributions including donations to politicians, parties or candidates.
  • Developing and maintaining client relationships is fundamental to sustainable business. By nature, these relationships can include opportunities for entertainment and gifts. Gifts and entertainment must be sufficiently modest so that it could not be regarded as attempting to create a business obligation. Gifts must also comply with applicable laws and recognised local customs.
  • All transactions and payments must be transparent and able to stand the scrutiny of an audit.
  • It is expected that our people make business decisions in the best interests of GHD and our clients, and not based on their personal interests. Any potential conflict of interest must be disclosed.
  • The safety of our people and those around us is paramount, as is the protection of the environment from harm. We maintain a working environment that is consistent with GHD's core values and legislative requirements. We will not tolerate any abuse of human rights, any form of discrimination, or the use of child labour.
  • We foster an open environment where all our people can report any suspected, fraudulent or other improper practice without fear of reprisal.
  • We will cooperate fully with external agencies investigating corrupt practices within legal parameters.

on-site construction personnel

If you have any concerns about potential integrity breaches or breaches of law, please speak up. We take all reporting seriously. You may submit a concern via our reporting system.

EthicsPoint -GHD